- My SMART goal was : By Wednesday November 17th I will decrease my tobacco usage to two smokes per day. To be honest I fell short but I am not discouraged!
- I cut down my tobacco usage by about 75% and I bought the patch. The biggest challenge is not kicking the addiction, it's kicking the habit. What helped me was to get distance from the people in my life who smoke and this is almost a heartbreaking process because about 3/4 of my closest friends smoke in addition to my mom and step dad. What I found to be helpful is to purposefully throw off my routine so that I was not waiting for my friends to come smoke with me.
- I told all of my non-smoker friends that I was quiting and I think they were expecting immediate results so some of them were disappointed and that was hard to let my friends down but I want to quit and I don't want to get discouraged.
- I learned that when I was little and everyone said "just say no" that that may have been a good idea. In all seriousness I learned that quitting is an uphill battle and that if I wait for the "right time to quit" it will never happen, so now is the right time.
- I want/ need to continue with the patch. I'm at level one right now and by next Wednesday I will be at level 2 and hopefully not smoking at all. I want to continue the change but it is really hard so I am going to modify the goal (of just having 2 smokes per day) to allow 3 smokes per day on days/nights that I work.
Summer Time!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 2: Weekly Update
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This post really shed some light on how important it is to have a support system backing you up when you are going through a lifestyle change. I hope that your friends are able to see that this is a growing process and not something that just happens over night because you are on the patch. You will do this and need your family and friends to support you whether they smoke or not. Are any of them interested in quitting? It would be nice to have someone go through the process with you. Good luck Molly!
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like you are on the right path to kicking your habit Molly. Cutting your usage by 75% is great for the first week, however, try not to cut too much too fast. This may work for some but it can also cause a greater failure rate. But hey, if it works for you then that is awesome! Keep up the motivation and good work!
ReplyDeleteThis is great improvement though Molly so do not get discouraged! Smoking is a hard addiction to quit. I have watched my dad struggle through this process for the past several years. It is hard when like you said 75% of the people in your life smoke. It becomes one of your habits so not doing it just feels "wrong". I am glad your friends are supporting you through this. Keep up the good work, you will get there. It may take longer than planned but hey progress is progress. :)
ReplyDeleteMolly, I can imagine that this is not going to be easy foe you but it seems that you are trying very hard to obtain your goal no matter how hard it may be and I commend you for that. I'm sure it is hard to go away from your routine but like you said if you associate with your non-smoking friends more it may help to curb your urge to smoke. I hope you can find a happy medium along the way. I really hope you keep at it because it seems like you really want to quit. Keep up the good work and good luck the rest of the way.
ReplyDeleteMolls you totally got this! I am so impressed by your determinism! You've already substantially cut down which is AWESOME! Keep up the good work, girl!