Summer Time!

Summer Time!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Share and Voice: "How Can it Rain Fish?"

So this BBC news article discusses an interesting phenomenon I found while perusing Google.  Every so often fish fall from the sky apparently. Scientists refer to this as non-aqueous rain. And fish arn't the only animals to fall from the sky either. Over the past ten years birds, frogs, worms and spiders have rained down onto unsuspecting heads. 

This phenomenon is thought to be caused by water spouts (a type of tornado) that can pick up objects and carry then some distance over land. Religious fanatics are quick to point out that occurrences such as these are similar to plagues mentioned in the bible however, there are many recent reports of this type of activity and I would not be to quick to dismiss global warming as one of the causes. 

I hope you find this as interesting as I did and encourage you to look into it further! 


  1. Wow crazy! I had no idea that this type of thing was even possible. I do tend to agree with you that global warming could definitely play a role in this phenomenon. I'm still in flux as to how this possible but hey anything can happen right? Nice post.

  2. This is absolutely crazy! This is for real? Wow, all I think if it starts to rain fish or spiders I am moving. If global warming really plays into this we are done. Things like this should not be happening. It actually kind of scares me!

  3. Molly this is some awesome information that you give us! That is so crazy, I cant imagine how scared I would be to see fish fall from the sky like that !
