Summer Time!

Summer Time!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Eye Opener

I took the Eco footprint quiz and I was not surprised to discover that I am just one of the many Americans living way beyond the means of our planet. If everyone on the planet lived a lifestyle like mine we would be in search of three other planet Earths to meet our needs. I think the biggest and most practical thing that I could do to decrease my ecological footprint would be to eat less animal products. I really don't think that would be too hard for me to do until it gets to be winter time and I want to indulge in beef stew and a big ol' mug of milk. Other than that, I really prefer fish to meat anyway, and now that i know it's less costly to the environment I would willingly trade a salad for a burger any day.


  1. Wow! I am surprised you "only" used three planet Earths. The reason I used quotes is because that number is not super low but compared to all of the others I heard yours is pretty good. I have to agree with you about it not being that hard to avoid animal products. I am a big fan of soy products so I plan to purchase them a lot more.

  2. I agree with you molly I would trade a salad for a burger any day as well! By the way awesome job only using three planet earths thats very low good just maybe you could teach me some tips.

  3. Wow, only three planets mine was way higher than that unfortunately. I agree with you on the food aspect but it would be extremely hard for me to not eat meat although it would definitely help out our ecological footprint. Nice job on three planets.
